Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Will your high school be represented during ally week?

Wednesday, Oct. 13, is Ally Week for ALL K-12 students in Kent County. As everyone has been reacting to the rash of deaths across the country from bullying, what actions are being taken? What conversations are being held?

On Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. students from across Kent County have the opportunity to learn about celebrating ally week in their schools. They will participate in an anti-oppression training led by a national staff member from the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network and they get the chance to meet students from across Kent County who are trying to make their schools better places for everyone.

This event will be held at 227 East Fulton Street in Wesley Hall at the First United Methodist Church downtown and is organized by student leaders, said Kristen Hanson, of the Grand Rapids chapter GLSEN.

The site provides ample free parking. There will be free food and free goodies. This event is only for K-12 students, friends and and educators.

For more information, send an email to grandrapids@chapters.glsen.org

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